page last updated in Oct 2024


Adventure Georgia (Pty) Ltd

The document is comprehensive, offering a concise summary of what you can expect from Adventure Georgia (Pty) Ltd in terms of transactions. It’s essential to allocate time to review this document thoroughly, as your confirmation of having read it is necessary for us to proceed with any transactions. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to your Adventure Georgia (Pty) Ltd consultant or contact us directly. Your grasp of these terms is crucial for a smooth transaction process.

  1. Epidemics and Pandemics

You agree that it is your personal decision to travel and that you are doing so with full knowledge of current travel recommendations and travel restrictions with regard to any health risk, with you having taken full personal responsibility to inform yourself in relation thereto.

Adventure Georgia (Pty) Ltd does not assume any responsibility for and shall not be liable for any unsafe conditions or health hazards, including pandemics or other illnesses to which you may be exposed. Adventure Georgia (Pty) Ltd will, however, use its reasonable endeavours to provide you with the latest travel information available to them in respect of the regulations, conditions and supplier terms applicable in relation to Pandemic or epidemic, as at the time of your booking.

This information is obtained from third party sources and is subject to change at any time without notice. Adventure Georgia, its employees and agents, shall, accordingly, not be liable for any loss (financial or otherwise), damage, illness, harm, trauma, death, delay, denial of onward travel or costs (including but not limited to quarantine costs), which you may incur or suffer, whether during or post travel, arising directly or indirectly out of the risks and/or dangers associated with traveling during the Pandemic or epidemic or natural or any disasters, whether or not you had been informed by Adventure Georgia (Pty) Ltd of such risks and/or dangers at the time of booking.

Adventure Georgia (Pty) Ltd is not responsible for the acts or omissions of travel suppliers, including the failure by the travel suppliers to adhere to their own schedules, provide services or refunds or their failure to honour any future trip credit.

Please note that most insurance policies have a specific clause stating that they do not cover epidemics and pandemics, especially when travel warnings are in place. It would be advisable for you to take advice from an insurance broker should you have any queries regarding the appropriateness of a travel insurance policy. The Agency shall not be liable for your election not to purchase insurance nor shall the Agency be liable to you for any denial of any claim by a travel insurer as it relates to COVID-19 or any other claim under the relevant policy.

“You are aware of the risks and dangers associated with travel during the Covid-19 pandemic and you expressly assume all of the risks and dangers in relation thereto; and hereby forever release, discharge and hold the agency, it’s employees, officers, directors, associated, affiliated companies and sub-contractors harmless against an and all liability, actions, causes of action, suits, damages, claims and demands of whatsoever nature which you may now have or which may hereafter arise out of or in connection with such risks and dangers”.

  1. Consumer Protection Act (‘CPA’) Notice

Please read the following carefully & proceed accordingly:

The CPA in section 49 requires us to bring your attention to certain aspects – we’ve done that by underlining certain clauses.

The CPA in section 49 also requires us to ‘Spell out’ risk(s) of certain aspects & activities. The CPA in section 41 also requires us to clarify any ‘apparent misapprehension’ you may have.

  1. Application

All enquiries, advice, quotations or estimates made or provided by or bookings made with and/or all services rendered by or on behalf of Adventure Georgia (Pty) Ltd are subject to these terms and conditions (‘the Conditions’).

  1. The Client and Authority

The person requesting such quotations or estimates or making such booking or to whom any service is rendered, is deemed to have read, had explained (where applicable), understood and accepted the Conditions and to have the authority to do so on behalf of the person in whose name the estimate or quotation or reservation is requested and/or provided and/or the person to whom the services are rendered (collectively referred to as ‘the Client’).

  1. Third Party Service Providers

Adventure Georgia (Pty) Ltd provides Clients with travel and/or other services either acting as itself or acting as agents for principals engaged in or associated with the travel industry, such as airlines (‘collectively referred to as ‘the Principal’).

Adventure Georgia (Pty) Ltd represents the Principal as agents only and accordingly accepts no liability for any loss, damage, injury, illness, harm or death which any Client may suffer as a result of any act or omission on the part of or the failure of the Principal to fulfill their obligations, whether in relation to travel arrangements, accommodation or otherwise.

The contract in use by the Principal (which is often constituted by the ticket issued by the Principal), shall constitute the sole contract between the Principal and the Client and any right of recourse the Client may have, will be solely against the Principal. Adventure Georgia (Pty) Ltd will provide the identity and terms and conditions (or access thereto) of all the Principals relevant to the service being provided for the Client’s booking. It’s the Client’s responsibility to familiarise themselves with such terms and conditions (‘the Principal’s Conditions’).

  1. Car and Vehicle Hire

These contracts (‘Car Hire T&C’) are onerous & include absolutely no fault and strict liability provisions. These Car Hire T&C must be read very carefully and anything you don’t understand or any misapprehensions you may have must be discussed with the car hire consultant BEFORE you sign the Car Hire T&C. Please note that you will be liable for all traffic fines and toll fees. We strongly recommend you check the vehicle thoroughly with a representative of the car hire business upon collection and return and ensure that any damage, scratches, faults or shortcomings are noted & signed for. Note that the Car Hire T&C shall constitute the sole contract between the car hire company and the Client and any right of recourse the Client may have, will be solely against the car hire company in terms of the Car Hire T&C.

  1. Air Tickets

Adventure Georgia (Pty) Ltd can provide the Client with quotations for air travel to the destination. These tickets are linked to contracts (‘Air T&C’) which are very complex and can entail very strict requirements regarding change, airport and departure taxes and cancellation provisions and you MUST enquire about ALL the applicable conditions, directly with your chosen airline.

You should also take note that if your flight/itinerary consists of more than one flight/coupon/ticket, you are not allowed to use such tickets/coupons out of sequence or to ‘skip’ one (and e.g. opt for train, bus or car transport) as this will VOID the entire balance of the journey/itinerary. ‘No-shows’ may result in the ticket being voided and/or the Client being charged a cancellation fee.

Note that the Air T&C shall constitute the sole contract between the airline and the Client and any right of recourse the Client may have, will be solely against the airline in terms of the Air T&C. Your rights of recourse as a consequence of over-booking are prescribed by the CPA. Loyalty programs are governed by strict rules of which the Client must be aware and retention of boarding passes and other documentation pertaining to such programs is the sole responsibility of the Client.

  1. Booking, Deposit and Reservation

Once the Client has filled in the travel enquiry form, responded to an advertisement verbally or in writing or via e-mail or the Internet or has, without reference to any of the aforesaid, asked for more details (collectively referred to as ‘the Enquiry’), about a particular destination, trip, tour or mode of travel (collectively referred to as ‘the Proposed Travel Arrangements’) Adventure Georgia (Pty) Ltd will prepare and provide the Client with an estimate (by hand, telefax or e-mail) (‘the Estimate’).

Upon the Client’s written confirmation that the facts and information contained in the Estimate is correct and upon acceptance of these Conditions by the Client initialling or ticking the relevant tick boxes, Adventure Georgia (Pty) Ltd will prepare a quotation for the Proposed Travel Arrangements (‘the Quotation’).

A deposit of 50% (‘the Deposit’) of the total estimated value of the Proposed Travel Arrangements (‘the Price’) as specified in the Quotation is required in order to confirm reservations with Principals (‘the Booking’), subject to payment of the balance of the Price in due course as specified herein. Adventure Georgia (Pty) Ltd will not confirm any reservation if the deposit and a signed Quotation are not received. Once the Booking has been completed, the Client will be supplied with the document that will contain the final detail of your Booking (‘the Booking Confirmation Form’), which the Client must sign and return to Adventure Georgia.

  1. Destination Selection

The Client acknowledges that it has selected the itinerary and destination(s) constituting the Booking based on information gleaned from brochures and/or the Internet. It also acknowledges that Adventure Georgia (Pty) Ltd cannot and does not guarantee that the itinerary and/or any destinations will comply in whole or in part with such brochure and/or the Internet.

  1. Payment and Payment Terms

The balance of the Price is due not later than six weeks prior to departure [OR on or before the date specified in the Quotation or the Booking Confirmation Form]. If the final payment is not received on time, the travel documents can be delayed and may necessitate the use of a courier service, which will be for the Client’s account or Adventure Georgia (Pty) Ltd may cancel the Booking.

Late payment may also result in cancellation of the reservation. The Client undertakes to pay Adventure Georgia (Pty) Ltd interest at a rate of 5% above the prime rate charged by Adventure Georgia’s bank on any payment made after the due date. Credit card payments are subject to due completion of and upon the terms and conditions specified in Adventure Georgia’s credit card authorization form.

  1. Prices

Prices are quoted at the ruling daily exchange rate. Until Adventure Georgia (Pty) Ltd has received payment of the Price in full, it reserves the right to charge any fluctuations to the Client’s account and the Client undertakes to pay for any such fluctuation on demand.

The onus will be on the Client to check the final price prior to making full and final payment. However, once payment of the Price in full is received, the Price is guaranteed (subject to statutory increases such as VAT).

Should the Client be a group booking and the group number deviate from the number required for the Booking, Adventure Georgia (Pty) Ltd may reserve the right to re-cost the Price and raise a surcharge. Should any Client refuse to accept and pay such surcharge, it may result in the Principal cancelling the Booking and retain any payment made (Adventure Georgia (Pty) Ltd will be entitled to retain any service fees charged).

NOTE: Foreign credit cards and Diners credit cards will not be accepted.

Please refer to Payment and Currency Fluctuations Terms and Conditions.

  1. Responsibility, Limitation of Liability and Indemnity

The Proposed Travel Arrangements are made on the express condition that Adventure Georgia, its employees and agents, shall not be responsible for, and shall be exempt from, all liability in respect of loss (financial or otherwise), damage, accident, injury, illness, harm, trauma, death, delay or inconvenience to or additional expense incurred by any Client (which shall be deemed to include the heirs, executors, administrators or assigns of the Client whether on the tour or journey or not), to or of their luggage, or other property, howsoever caused whether or not arising from any act, omission, default, or negligence on the part of Adventure Georgia (Pty) Ltd whatsoever, unless, in the case of injury or death, it is due to the negligent act or omission of Adventure Georgia.

The Client indemnifies and holds harmless Adventure Georgia, its employees and agents accordingly. Adventure Georgia, its employees and agents shall furthermore not be liable for any indirect and/or consequential loss or damages whatsoever and howsoever arising.

  1. Insurance

It is strongly advised that all Clients take out adequate insurance cover such as cancellation due to illness, accident or injury, personal accident and personal liability, loss of or damage to baggage and sports equipment (Note that this is not an exhaustive list). Adventure Georgia (Pty) Ltd will not be responsible or liable if the Client fails to take adequate insurance cover at all. It shall not be obligatory upon Adventure Georgia (Pty) Ltd to effect insurance for the Client except upon detailed instructions given in writing and all insurance effected by Adventure Georgia (Pty) Ltd pursuant to such instruction will be subject to such exceptions and conditions as may be imposed by the insurance company or underwriters accepting the risk, and Adventure Georgia (Pty) Ltd shall not be obliged to obtain separate cover for any risks so excluded. Should the insurers dispute their liability for any reason, the Client will have recourse against the insurers. Once the insurance has been confirmed and paid for, the Client will be issued with a policy document of the insurer. It is a complex document which must be read BEFORE you initiate your travel so that you can address any queries you may have to the insurer BEFORE you depart.

Please note that various credit card companies offer limited levels of travel insurance, which Adventure Georgia (Pty) Ltd does not consider sufficient cover for international travel. Kindly check with the respective credit card companies in order to obtain the specific details of the cover.

  1. Travel Documents

Documents (vouchers, itineraries etc) are only prepared and released on receipt of payment of the Price in full. Upon receipt of your travel documents, PLEASE CHECK that ALL the details therein are correct.

  1. Passports, Visas and Health

It is entirely the Client’s duty to ensure that all passports and visas are current, valid, obtained on time, and will be valid for six months after return to home country and that any vaccinations, inoculations, prophylactic (e.g. for malaria)  and the like, where required, have been obtained.

Please check the requirements with Adventure Georgia (Pty) Ltd before travelling. Adventure Georgia (Pty) Ltd will endeavour to assist the Client but such assistance will be at Adventure Georgia’s discretion and the Client acknowledges that in doing so, Adventure Georgia (Pty) Ltd is not assuming any obligation or liability and the Client indemnifies Adventure Georgia (Pty) Ltd against any consequences of non-compliance.

It is the Client’s duty to familiarise him/herself with the inherent dangers of and mental and/or physical condition required for the Proposed Travel Arrangements.  Please note that all clients who are travelling from RSA to another country are required to have a minimum of three blank pages in their passport excluding the front and back cover to enable the entry visa to be issued – However in each case a further enquiry should be addressed to the consulate or embassy of the relevant countries being visited.  If there is insufficient space in the passport entry will be denied and the person is likely to be detained pending return to their country of origin. Please ensure that all passports are renewed. The client must ensure that the details supplied to Adventure Georgia (Pty) Ltd mirror those details shown on their passport for international travel and ID documents for local travel. As a guideline, passports should be valid for 6 months after your scheduled return to South Africa.

Non South African passport holders may also be required to have re-entry documentation and it is entirely the client’s duty to ensure that such documentation is in order before departure.

  1. Late Booking and Amendment Fees

A late booking fee of R 500.00 per booking may be charged in respect of bookings received within 4 working days prior to the departure date and for 2 working days or less R700.00 per booking. This charge is levied to cover communication expenses involved. An amendment fee of R500.00 per booking may be levied for any changes to the confirmed itinerary.

  1. Cancellation

In the event of the Client cancelling the Booking, Adventure Georgia (Pty) Ltd shall have the right to charge a cancellation fee in respect of damages suffered by Adventure Georgia.

The maximum cancellation fee, which may be imposed in the event of a Client cancelling, is as follows

  • 25% of the total amount
  • 8 weeks or less:100% of the total amount.

Adventure Georgia (Pty) Ltd may reserve the right to cancel any tour before departure, in which event the entire payment will be refunded to the Client without any further obligation on the part of Adventure Georgia.

  1. Unscheduled Extensions

In the unlikely event of there being unscheduled extension to the final itinerary caused by flight re-scheduling, flight delays, bad weather, strikes or any other cause which is beyond the control of Adventure Georgia, its agents or the Principal, it is understood that expenses relating to these unscheduled extensions (hotel accommodation, etc) will be for the Client’s account.

  1. Itinerary Variations and Transfers

While every effort is made to keep to the final itinerary, Adventure Georgia (Pty) Ltd reserve the right to make changes for the Client’s convenience e.g. in some cases, weather conditions can necessitate an alteration in the itinerary and this does not constitute any reason for a refund. It is the Client’s duty to check each amendment to the itinerary and also to sign the final one.

  1. Breakaways

While it is possible to break away from the itinerary, it is understood that such breakaways will be for the Client’s account.

  1. Law and Jurisdiction

South African law and the jurisdiction of South African courts will govern the relationship between the Client and Adventure Georgia. Adventure Georgia (Pty) Ltd shall be entitled to institute any legal proceedings arising out of or in connection with this contract in any Magistrates Court having jurisdiction in terms of Section 28 of the Magistrates Court Act no. 32/1944 as amended, notwithstanding that the amount in issue may exceed the limits of such jurisdiction.

  1. Conduct

The Client agrees that he/she will at all times comply with Adventure Georgia’ or others’ requirements and instructions in regard to his/her conduct and he/she will not in any way constitute a hindrance to any other passenger or person on the tour, mode of conveyance, at any place of accommodation, entertainment or where meals and/or drinks are served. The Client indemnifies and holds harmless Adventure Georgia (Pty) Ltd against damages suffered and/or costs incurred by Adventure Georgia (Pty) Ltd and/or any third party as a result of a breach of this clause.

  1. Special Requests

Clients who have special requests must specify such requests to Adventure Georgia (Pty) Ltd in the Enquiry or in response to the Estimate. Whilst Adventure Georgia (Pty) Ltd will use its best endeavours to accommodate such requests, it does not guarantee that it will.

  1. Amendments

No amendment, cancellation or waiver of any term or right referred to herein shall be valid or binding unless reduced to writing and signed by both the Client and a duly authorised representative of Adventure Georgia.

  1. Refunds

No refunds will be considered in any circumstances whatsoever by Adventure Georgia. Refunds by the Principals will be subject to their terms and conditions. Adventure Georgia (Pty) Ltd is entitled to charge an administration fee for handling of refunds.

  1. Force Majeure

Adventure Georgia (Pty) Ltd shall have the right to cancel any contract should its fulfilment be rendered impossible, impeded or frustrated by strike, lock-out, civil commotion, war, act of God, force majeure, lack of materials, operation of law or regulations or order made by any statutory or other duly constituted authorities or any other cause beyond the control of Adventure Georgia. Force Majeure includes renovations that may be carried out at your resort – whilst Adventure Georgia (Pty) Ltd will use its best endeavours to provide current information in that regard and whilst the resort will use it best endeavours to keep any inconvenience to a minimum, the fact that restoration or renovations are being carried out does not constitute grounds for any claim against Adventure Georgia.

Adventure Georgia (Pty) Ltd will use it best endeavours to recover from third parties such monies as may have been paid to them on behalf of the Client. All monies so recovered by Adventure Georgia (Pty) Ltd will be reimbursed to the Client less a 5% (Five percent) of the Price as an administration charge. Professional fees charged by Adventure Georgia (Pty) Ltd are non-refundable.

  1. Foreign Exchange Regulation Compliance

This is the Client’s exclusive duty. This will apply especially when the Client instructs Adventure Georgia (Pty) Ltd to make and pay for travel arrangements on the Internet.

  1. Internet Bookings

If the Client requests or instructs Adventure Georgia (Pty) Ltd to do bookings via the Internet, the Client irrevocably authorises Adventure Georgia (Pty) Ltd to do the following on its behalf (1) make any selections of and for the Proposed Travel Arrangements (2) make payments and (3) accept booking conditions.

  1. Driver’s License

Even if you have obtained an international driver’s licence, please take your national driver’s licence with you.

  1. Confidentiality

Subject to statutory constraints or compliance with an order of court, Adventure Georgia (Pty) Ltd undertakes to deal with all Client information of a personal nature on a strictly confidential basis.

  1. Confirmation of Travel Arrangements

All onward travel arrangements (local and international and on return to RSA, domestic connecting flights) must be reconfirmed by the Client 72 hours prior to departure.

  1. Dispute – Resolution

Any and all dispute arising out of or in connection with the Conditions including any question regarding its existence, validity or termination, shall be dealt with as follows:

Firstly the parties will meet within 5 (five) working days of the dispute arising in an attempt to resolve the matter amicably. Failing such amicable resolution of the dispute within 5 (five) days of their meeting, they will attempt to resolve the matter by mediation – the mediator will be an independent third party mutually agreed upon and, failing such mutual agreement, a party appointed as a mediator by the Arbitration Foundation of South Africa (‘AFSA’), which mediator must be appointed within 5 (five) days of their failing to resolve the matter amicably and the mediation itself must take place with a further 5 (five) days from the date the mediator is appointed Failing such amicable resolution of the dispute by the intervention of a mediator, the dispute must be referred to arbitration in Johannesburg within two (two) days of the failure to resolve the dispute by the intervention of a mediator, which referral must be delivered in writing to and be conducted in terms of the rules of  AFSA for the time being in force which rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference into this clause. The tribunal shall consist of one (1) arbitrator to be appointed pursuant to the AFSA Rules. The arbitrator’s decision shall be final and binding upon the parties and shall provide the sole and exclusive remedies of the parties. All judgment upon the award so rendered may be entered in any court having jurisdiction or application may be made to such court for a judicial acceptance of the award or orders of enforcement. The commencement of any arbitration proceedings under this Clause shall in no way affect the continual performance of the obligations relates to the subject matter of such proceedings. All arbitration proceedings shall be in the English Language.

Notwithstanding the provisions of this clause, either party may bring an urgent application to any court that has jurisdiction if circumstances arise that merit such an application.


The parties elect their respective domicilium et executandi as reflected in the Booking.

  1. Entire Contract

The Conditions constitute the entire terms of the relationship between the parties. There exist no other terms, conditions, warranties, representations, guarantees, promises, undertaking or inducements of any nature whatsoever (whether verbal, written or electronic) regulating the relationship and the Client acknowledges that he/she has not relied on any matter or thing stated on behalf of Adventure Georgia (Pty) Ltd or otherwise that is not included herein.

  • Prices quoted are purely indicative and based on an average.  An actual price will be quoted based on availability, room type, nightly rate and current rate of exchange for requested travel dates at time of inquiry.
  • Prices correct at time of loading onto the website and are subject to change without notice.
  • Prices quoted are valid for travel between the dates specified PER PACKAGE REFERENCE CODE only.
  • Advance purchase, peak / high season surcharges, block out periods and minimum stay conditions may apply.
  • Prices quoted are per person sharing (pps) unless otherwise specified.
  • All prices quoted are subject to airfare increases (if specified), availability, currency fluctuations and an increase in price without prior notice.
  • All levies and taxes, including airport taxes, fuel levies and surcharges, if specified, are an estimate based on current pricing and exchange rates and are subject to change without prior notice.  The exact costs will be confirmed at time of booking.
  • Prices exclude professional fees.

Adventure Georgia (Pty) Ltd standard terms and conditions & online booking terms and conditions apply. E&OE


2023 GrootFM Competition

In a thrilling collaboration, Adventure Georgia joined forces with GrootFM90.5, Mitmak Motors, and Jenny’s Travel for an exhilarating competition in 2022/2023. The event proved

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Embrace Luxury and Comfort: A Sneak Peek into Our Package Accommodation

Are you ready to elevate your ski vacation to a whole new level of comfort and luxury? Look no further than our exclusive ski package accommodation. Nestled amidst the breathtaking vistas of the snow-capped mountains of Bakuriani, Villa Mtashi offer not just a place to stay, but an experience that will linger in your memories for years to come.

Generous Space for Unwinding

Step into a world of spacious luxury as each villa boasts a sprawling layout spanning an impressive 110 square meters. Whether you’re seeking solitude or gathering with loved ones, our meticulously designed villas provide ample room for relaxation. From the master bedroom with its en-suite bathroom to the twin bedroom with its own en-suite facilities, and additional guest toilet amenities, every corner of our accommodation is crafted with your comfort in mind. Need extra sleeping arrangements? No worries! Fold-up beds are available, ensuring there’s space for everyone to unwind in style.

Inviting Ambiance for Cozy Evenings

After a thrilling day on the slopes, return to the warmth and comfort of our inviting ambiance. Picture yourself nestled by the fireplace, sipping hot cocoa as the snow falls gently outside. With central heating ensuring a cozy environment throughout, you can unwind and enjoy your stay to the fullest, whether you’re curled up with a book or sharing stories with friends and family.

Family-Friendly Comfort for All Ages

Traveling with family? Our villas are perfect for families, offering a haven where both adults and children can feel at home. With two bedrooms and additional fold-up beds, we comfortably accommodate up to 4 adults and 4 children, ensuring everyone has their own space to relax and recharge.

Modern Comforts at Your Fingertips

Traveling with family? Our villas are perfect for families, offering a haven where both adults and children can feel at home. With two bedrooms and additional fold-up beds, we comfortably accommodate up to 4 adults and 4 children, ensuring everyone has their own space to relax and recharge.

Kitchen Convenience for Culinary Delights

Flexibility is key when it comes to dining options, and our fully furnished kitchens provide just that. Whether you’re a culinary enthusiast eager to whip up a gourmet meal or a busy parent in need of quick and easy snacks, our kitchens come equipped with everything you need to satisfy your cravings. With a dining table seating up to 8 persons, you can gather together for memorable meals shared with loved ones.

As you plan your next ski getaway, let our ski package accommodation be your sanctuary in the mountains. With spacious luxury, inviting ambiance, family-friendly comfort, modern amenities, and kitchen convenience, we promise an experience that exceeds your expectations at every turn. So pack your bags, hit the slopes, and prepare to make memories that will last a lifetime. Your alpine adventure awaits!